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Fortschrittliche veterinärmedizinische Vorsorge im Alter & Checkup

30 Min.Wolboldstraße


Der jährliche Gesundheitscheck ist enorm wichtig, damit ihr Tier zusammen mit Ihnen ein langes, gesundes und glückliches Leben mit viel Qualität führen kann. Angeraten wird die Kontrolle vor allem für ältere und risikoreiche Hunderassen, da wir dadurch Krankheiten frühzeitig erkennen und vorbeugen können. Nach einer umfassenden Untersuchung wird eine Blutuntersuchung und gegebenenfalls eine Urin/Kotuntersuchung und möglicherweise eine Blutdruckmessung durchgeführt, um den Zustand und die Funktion der inneren Organe zu überprüfen. Manchmal werden auch eine Röntgenuntersuchung, sowie Ultraschalluntersuchung angeraten. ---------- The annual health check is enormously important so that your animal can lead a long, healthy and happy life with a lot of quality together with you. The check is recommended especially for older and high-risk dog breeds, as it allows us to detect and prevent diseases at an early stage. A comprehensive examination, a blood test and, if necessary, a urine/faecal analysis and possibly a blood pressure measurement will be performed to check the condition and function of the internal organs. Sometimes an X-ray examination and ultrasound are also recommended. Having regular health examinations (biannual or annual) performed on your senior animal is enormously important to help your pet lead a long, happy and healthy life. We want the both of you to get as much high-quality time together possible. There are many chronic health conditions that seniors are prone to, but often they do not display any signs of something being wrong at the beginning. Having routine veterinary care that will include comprehensive physical exams, bloodwork, and urine/fecal analysis, will help diagnose these conditions much earlier on. Sometimes other tests such as blood pressure measurement, xrays or ultrasound may be suggested. ---------- O exame de saúde anual é extremamente importante para que seu animal possa levar uma vida longa, saudável e feliz com você, desfrutando de muita qualidade. O check up é especialmente recomendado para animais mais velhos e raças de alto risco, pois nos permite detectar e prevenir doenças em uma fase precoce. O exame completo, exames de sangue, se necessário, análise de urina/fezes e possivelmente medição da pressão arterial serão realizados para verificar o estado e o funcionamento dos órgãos internos. Às vezes também é recomendado um exame de raio X e ultrassom.


  • Wolboldstraße 5, 71063 Sindelfingen, Deutschland

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